Frequently Asked Questions

How does the process of creating a customized chatbot work?

You provide us with your website URL and/or relevant documents (like PDFs). We analyze this information to design a chatbot tailored to your business needs. We then work closely with you to refine its functionality and integrate it seamlessly into your website.

How long does it take to create and deploy a chatbot?

The timeline can vary based on complexity, but typically it takes 1-2 weeks from initial consultation to deployment.

Can the chatbot understand and communicate in multiple languages?

Yes, our chatbots can be programmed to understand and respond in multiple languages, offering a global solution for your business.

Is it possible to update the chatbot's knowledge base over time?

Absolutely! We provide an easy-to-use interface for you to update the knowledge database or add new resources as your business evolves.

How does the chatbot handle complex customer inquiries?

The chatbot is designed to handle a wide range of inquiries. For complex questions that require human intervention, it can seamlessly escalate the conversation to your support team.

Can the chatbot be integrated with my existing CRM system?

Yes, we ensure that our chatbots can be integrated with most CRM systems, allowing for a synchronized workflow.

Will the chatbot work on mobile devices?

Yes, our chatbots are designed to be fully responsive and functional across all devices.

How secure is the chatbot, especially when handling sensitive customer information?

Security is our top priority. Our chatbots are built with trusted security features to ensure that all customer interactions are securely handled in accordance with the European GDPR regulation.

How do I track the performance of my chatbot?

We provide detailed analytics and reporting tools that allow you to track the chatbot's performance, customer engagement, and more.

What happens if the chatbot cannot answer a question?

If the chatbot can't answer a question, it's programmed to escalate the issue to a human agent or provide a way for the customer to contact your support team directly.

Can the chatbot handle multiple customers at the same time?

Yes, our chatbots can handle multiple interactions simultaneously, ensuring no customer is left waiting.

Do I need technical knowledge to manage the chatbot after deployment?

Not at all! We provide an intuitive management platform, and our support team is always here to assist you with any technical needs.

What kind of support can I expect after my chatbot is live?

We offer ongoing support and maintenance packages to ensure your chatbot is always performing optimally and evolving with your business.

Is it possible to integrate the chatbot with instant messengers like WhatsApp?

Yes, we also offer integration of the chatbot with instant messengers like WhatsApp. This has the advantage that individual customer conversations can be resumed.

What does it cost to create a chatbot for my website?

We offer different packages that you can view here. Th e main difference between the packages is based on the number of monthly interactions.

How do I know how many interactions per month are sufficient for my website?

In general, the more traffic a website has, the more interactions there will be with visitors. Depending on the industry and the quality of the website, the number of interactions per 100 visitors may vary, and we can gladly assist you with experience-based insights.

What happens if the interaction limit is exceeded? Will the chatbot still function?

Absolutely! If the limit is exceeded, the chatbot will continue to function as usual.

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